
It felt like I had been waiting for this project all year long. I was so excited to take something that felt almost impossible to master and learn the techniques and then make it entirely my own. I knew even before starting I wanted to make something I was going to be able to take with me to college. Something pratical as well as something that may freshman in college tell me its something necessary to bring. The number one answer, Storage Compartments.

Step Number 1: Moodboard

Step Number 2: Gather Supplies

Step Number 3: Assemble

Step Number 4: Prepare to present

Read more: zenith https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N_ZUNBqhgS1h7XO59-PzeIs6aGmuaFyVA3Jyo3yJRRc/edit?usp=sharing: zenith

due to my file size being too large I was unable to embed my presentation into my webpage, please click on the link, and enjoy!

Step Number 5: Present

Step Number 6: Reflect