
Fight For Energy

For those who don't know what a diptych is, its a painting, or picture that may be closed like a book. In this case both images have a mediforical representation about myself.
For this assignment in design we were given camera to go out and shoot. We had to choose mediforical pictures that represented something about ourselves.

Artist Statement:

Fight for Energy
click to see larger image

I’m communicating certain events in my childhood. One image was on of a tall flower that reached above all others which represented my growth spurt as a kid. The other image was of the solar panels on my roof. I added more contrast to the image representing my lack of energy as a child. I envisioned two problems of my childhood, that related to each other. This piece represents the main problem i faced in my childhood.
I had to find metaphorical images, that could not be too literal. I had many ideas that were I had to take pictures of. I tried to close the shutter to take a picture of the sun. The picture was already dark, so i decided to add even more contrast to emphasize the light coming from the sunset.