
Stuck Pendulum

For the self-portrait unit in design we were given a list of issues or situtations you could be in. We had to pick two a relate both of them to eachother. In my case I chose, disorganized, and time. This assignment was different than the others since we used a new software called Illustrator. It was similar to photoshop in some cases but also had it's differences.

Artist Statement:

Stuck Pendulum
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Illustration: Stuck Pendulum
I’m communication my lack of organization with time. I am always late to events, so I decided to represent this with a pendulum clock. The numbers will be mixed and the pendulum will be held back by a rope attached to an anchor. I always need to know the time or I will be totally lost, this inspired me to use some sort of clock. My ideas stayed the same throughout the pieces, until the last one where I had to debate whether I should use a snail or an anchor. This piece represents the challenges I face in my teenage years.
I had to use an image of an actual pendulum clock, an drew an illustration over it. Adding color to the piece was a challenge I faced, since I had to use a new tool called live paint. I had to merge all the lines together to form the various shapes that created my pendulum.