
My Family

We are displaying family pictures, because my family really molds my personality. They are the most important thing of my life and will always influence me.

Laurent Family This is a family picture we took last summer. This was the first time I had seen my cousin in a long time.
This is my dad. He is the one that motivates me to do well in school, and made me realize the importance of school. Dad with ponytails
Mom with wave This is my mom, she is the one that organizes my life, wheter it comes to soccer or after school activities. Without her I wouldn't have done any of the things I do today.
This is my sister, although we had our rough times she's always there when I need her to help me. Sister with ponytails
US family This is my family that lives in the US. We have lived seperated from the rest of my family in Belgium for 9 years. We go back to visit every year during summer and skype them as much as we can!