
Things I've Learned So Far Podcast

We started the self-portrait unit by writing down in our notebook all the things we had learned in our lives that related to us. We narrowed our list down to ten statements. We later made a podcast in web/audio, of us reading our ten things we had learned so far.

For the making of our podcast we had to use garage band. We had to insert images, and have music playing while we were talking. We also had to synchronize the images so they wouldn't have blank spaces in between.


  1. Being happy in angry situations, often angers whoever is angry even more.
  2. Learn to live with people's actions, whether you agree or disagree.
  3. If you don’t have your head, you have legs.
  4. One more is never enough.
  5. Stress will make time go faster, so relax!
  6. Patience is necessary to move forward.
  7. Life doesn't stop for one person.
  8. Don’t always believe what you see.
  9. Learn to make quick decisions.
  10. Don't always follow a role model, try something new.