Humor Unit

What was the Humor unit?

This was one of my favorite units! It was a fun way to end the year getting to laugh with all the people I’ve became so close with the last 2 years. Although this unit can sound like all fun and no learning, the humor unit had its fair share of hard work and interesting things to learn. We read a book associated with the unit called “Slaughterhouse-five”. Associated with this book is lots of different types of humor you may have never thought too much about. Things like blue humor, black humor, banter, and many other techniques are used to add humor to a very dark book. After we finished that we got to make a humor project of our own using the new technique we learned as well as researching comedians to find some new techniques.

What did I do for my Humor project and what were the steps we took?

In the beginning my friend Tyler and I were going to do a stand up comedy act. After writing a decent length comedy special we had to scrap it because to wasn’t the best work we could do.

Along with this scarped proposal I researched 2 comedians, Matt Rife and Ralph Barbosa, that still happened to help me with our final product.


With our final project idea, a yahoo addiction help commercial, it was time to write a script. Tyler and I had a lot of fun writing this.


Final Product