The Life Support System
Bought to you by james Glass
Life Support
copywrite2007 James Glass





          My Name Is James. I am 16 years of age. I was born in late 1990 at stanford hospital.For awhile after I was born, I lived in Mountain View until I was two when my family moved to virginia. After about a year of living in virginia, my Dad's job at Nasa basically forced us back into Mountain View. Originally, I was supposed to start kindergarten a year earlier at Bubb (I was older than the cut-off date by 14 days). However I was held back by a year because my parents were afraid of me getting my ass beat.
          As a result, I ended up spending a year in pre-K at a private lutheran school in Cupertino, and when I finally was ready to go to Kindergarten, we had to move to Palo Alto because our landlord at the time hated my parents. I then spent Grades K-2at Fairmeadow Elementary school where I was picked on, whined a lot, and was generally pretty bummed. Also around that time, I was hit by an SUV while crossing the street to a little league game and nearly died (Fun Stuff!). Fortunately things took on a brighter tone when we moved back to Mountain View and I attended grades 3-5 at Monta Loma Elementary School. Not only did I make more friends there, but I lived right next door so I could run too and fro from school in the morning whenever I forgot my homework (and I forgot my homework a lot). For 6-8th Grade I attended Crittenden Middle school. While I was there my sixth grade english teacher described Middle school as the arm-pit of adolescence, which I think summed things up pretty well.


                Which eventually brings us to me today. I'm Currently a Junior at Mountain View High School, and a Freshman at Freestyle (Not Again!!). My Hobbies include playing drums both for the MVHS spartan Marching band Drumline as well as for for my band: The Jolly Naked Fishermen. Some other things I Dig are Long boarding (although I'm not very good), Reading (I'm currently beginning A Terry Pratchet phase) and general Slacking off ( which I am a God). I also listen to tons Of music, and I even make my own songs on garage band when Im bored (aren't I cool).Some of my favorite Movies include the Godfather, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, American Beauty, The Blair Witch Project, and almost anything by Kevin Smith. My Favorite Shows were Metalocalyspe and Robot Chicken before they got pulled off of youtube.

             However, it occurs to me that all of this is rather boring and irrelevant, so you might as well set your clocks back 5 minutes and pretend you never read any of this. If anyone asks I was born on a pirate ship that was then stranded on a desert island where I was raised by wolves after everyone else starved to death. I then grew among their ranks until I was eventually crowned king of beasts. Not Long after, I was abducted by aliens who dropped me here at freestyle as an ambassador for the planet Spladnorf. Any comments left on the comments page might be included in my next report, so watch out...
