The Life Support System
Bought to you by james Glass
Life Support
copywrite2007 James Glass



      This is the page where I go on long winded rants about noting particularly important. Go Me!


    5/19-5/23 Lately i've been thinking about the fate of the world. I guess i've just been feeling like both our country and our world are in some sense doomed. On the one hand I feel like the dept the we as a country now owe to nations like China thanks to things such as the war in will not be settled in a peaceful manner. I also feel like the american way of living has and is destroying the environment that in order to avoid having an unliveable planet whithin my lifetime we'd have to change the lifestyle habits of way more people than who'd be otherwise willing. I sense that as the dominant species on earth we have warn out our welcome by now and are about to be destroyed by ourselves. We are a candle that has burned brighter than any before us, which also means that we are probably going to be the quickest to burn out.




4-21/5-2: I find it hard to write my opinion at the moment as I have this feeling of being completely braindead. I am currently stressed because I have a lot of tests this week and I feel intimidated. I wish life was more ethereal. I seriously can't wait for 3d star wars. I wonder if they will ever have mcdonalds in the pyramids. I wonder how our civilization would change if we got rid of spellcheck. At the moment I miss everyone, including people I've seen this morning.

         A question in english yesterday made me really think as to whether we can express ourselves through math formulas. Like if a loved one dies, it is not X - Y but X(Y^.5). Looking up at the sky is a quadratic equation. Life is the tangent of sides birth and death at the angle of experience.

         I saw a man on leave from Iraq a few days ago. He's going back soon. It mkes me sad.



    4/7-4/11: I am writting this week as I do every week to practice putting things on the webserver. I agree that this is a valuable skill to learn. After all, if I couldn't put things on the webserver, then there would be no way for me to put up any future web pages which would, in turn lead to me failing this class. ThaT WOULD NOT BE GOOD. Im also glad thatWE ARE REACHING THE END OF THE DOCUMENTARY UNIT. however, I am not so fond of the caps button. Usually when I need a lot of caps, I usually just hold down the shift button. The caps button, however, I usually just trigger on accident. this then leads to sentances like the one above which make me look obnoxious as well. I honestly think that the world would be a better p;lace without the c aps button.
















 3/24-3/28: Life. Life is annoying. I'm sick of studying for the sats. I'm totally burnt out with regards do the documentary unit. I hate how most of school has become nothing more than of series of hoops that everyone jumps through. I don't care that I'm whining. I hate writing these stupid opinions. I hate how everything always has to be so frustrating all of the time. I hate how so many other stupid high school kids try to act like thier such hot shit all of the time. I hate dreamweaver and how seemingly nothing works on it. I hate how nothing I ever create is as good as I would like it to be.

            I hate how we have to learn electric wheelchair to audition for mvhs drumline. I hate how our instructor just has no expect us to put way more work into drumline than is really possible for anyone who doesn't dedicate every waking moment of thier life to it. I hate Divs. I hate the smell of the web room. I hate being so negative. I hate the layout for the milk pail book. I hate my lack of motivation. I hate procrastinating.



      3/17-3/21: Fire is very visualy appealing. But would it still be if it filled a different niche in our lives? As it stands fire can be warm, comforting, and kind of sedative. It can also be very painfull if touched and has the power to engulf mile upon mile of the world in a wave of destruction. Is it this sense of danger that makes fire seem more exciting? And it's not just fire. What about speeding on the freeway, extreme sports, drugs and even an unhealthy diet. Is it that what can't kill us can only bore us? How is it that we are the doinant species on this planet: the one that has truimphed over every other creature on this earth, yet so many of us find enjoyment on the brink of self destruction?

     Or is it this risk factor that is possibly evolution at work. Maybe we long for excitement that could cause us harm because those that lose thier lives in pursuit of this thrill leav e more room on the earth for the rest of us. At the rate we're going, does it not seem as though the only thing that could eliminate the human race is us being over crowded. Would this loning for danger just be our species trying to save itself by destroying itself. Much like the controlled brushfires in the summer forest.Thought that does sound really messed up to think. I think I'm just being too cynical because it's monday morning and i'm editing word documents. I need coffee. Which is about a cohereant opinioin as i'm likely to give. So there you have it. I want coffee.


     3/10-3/14: I'm am very tired, and I think today is going to be a pain. This is because I ended up getting to sleep at 5 a.m. last night due to having more homework then normal and having to catch up with some of my projects. As it stands, the only reason why I am writing my opinion right now is because everything else that I could be doing would involve a considerably more thbought than this, and I think my brain is in a coma. The reason why I was up late is that before I could finish writing a chapter of my essay, I had to go to various bookstrores and do research. I didn't end up getting back until around 11 pm with no work done other than the research at that point.

             I suppose you could call it an opinion that I really hate the fact that when you are really sleep deprived, you don't just feel tired, but you feel insanely tired and every other aspect of your body feels really awful.





    3/3-3/7: This week has been a little uneven with regaurds to my personal thought. As a result I have a few opinions that don't have that much depth to them. First of all, Archery Diving would make a really amazing sport. Plus, it would be the only sport in the world where it would be more dangeroous to be a spectator than an athlete. You could totally ace a game of 20 question if you can think of someting that is neither rock, mineral, or vegetable. I finally noticed the connection between "portrait" and "portrayal." That people would not need to worry about pot holes in the road if we all could get around on those floating skateboards from Back to the Future II. Chocolate pie is awesome. Both pirates and ninjas could have had a v8. That the entire universe could have been created as a result of one of those "What would you do for a klondike bar" things. Just picture it: "What would you do for a klondike bar" ...and in response "I'd create the universe." Now that guy deserves a klondike bar!


   2/25-2/29: It's been a common theory/joke among some nihlist types that after the impending nuclear holocaust that will supposedly wipe out humanity, the only remaining species alive on the earth will be the roaches. I had been thinking about that idea, and I came up with a strange question. What happens if the roaches that will become the dominant species do a better job of ruling the world then we are? If you put things in perspective, the dinosaurs didn't think the pathertic little rat things that passed for mammals at the time would ever amount to anything, and we sure showed them. Maybe the only reason why the roaches are still just insects if because we feed them and shelter them with our human like slobbery.

  If it wasn't for humans leaving sustainence for the roaches, whose to say that the roaches wouldn't evolve into a species that can fend for itself and, in time, learn to utilise what resources that are left on earth. Then, if they ever reach a level of intelligence similar to ours while still keeping thier seeming invincibility, then who knows what they are capable of. What if ll of our supposed "alien sightings" were really happening, but were actually super evolved roaches going back in time. I mean if you look at what the modern day alien image has become, you could still make the arguement that they are in fact just roaches that have undergone a good million years of evolution. Far out!

 2/11- 2/15: I wonder if my life was presented in musical theater format? I think that would be hilarious, but only if I didn't write it. That way I can't take the blame for the monstrocity it will undoubtedy become. I wonder ho the songs would go? What sort of stylistic choices will there be with regards to said music. Would it cast me in a positive or negative light? One thing is for sure though, and that is that no one would probably watch it, and therefore the point in making it would be completely null and void, therefore I have just successfully gutted another weeks opinion entry. Go Me! If such a feat isn't satisfying enough, here is a little bonus opinion, a 2 weeks value for only $19.95 (but wait, there's more...). I am very oujtraged by the fact that the exclamation mark on the keyboard and the question markis on the exact opposite end of the keyboard. Seriously, they are both alternative sentance ending devices. Why separate them?

      2/4-2/10: I want to test how insignificant these opinions can be. For exapmle: I am awesome. Now because I assume that you did not get it the first time, let me repeat it a few times...I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesomeI am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesomeI am awesome I am awesomeI am awesomeI am awesome I am awesome I am awesomeI am awesomeI am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome I am awesome...

   1/27-2/2: What if we lived in a world where rocks can feel? I think that being a rock would be horrible. Especially if you lived on cliff that dropped of into the ocean. Then, every time the tide came in, you would be constantly be bludgeoned by the ooncoming waves. Or what if you were one of the rocks that was torn up and used for building matering. Imagine that if after you died, your carcass was ground up and turned onto a cabinet. Although that is kinda what happened to those who died while buildiong the great wall of China.

     1/20-1/25: My opinnion this week is somewhat unfocused. As opposed to the standard model of "I believe this! I am right," I am questioning why society as a whole puts so much value on knowing or stating things as opposed to questioning them. If you really think about it, questioning is, in some repects a more healthy way of thinkng. If someone proclaims a statement, there is a tendency either to agree or disagree with it based on your preconcieved notions of what is true. Even if that makes you think, then you are thinking because you are questioning the statement. Baased on that notion, one could assume that if you don't question what is true, then your mind will be in a permanent state of stasis. you believe some things, object to others, and your world ends there. On the one hand you have developed a sense of stability about your surrounding, but on the other hand, you grop old in spirit. So if we also live in a culture where age physical age is feared like the icy grip of death itself, then why do we, as a society look up to people who resemble stubborn old people in thier heads.

    1/14--1/18/07: For those of you who are paying attention to the primaries right now, or maybe are just idle youtube addicts, some of you might have seen footage of republican candidate Mike Huckabee tell the world of his old craving for fried squirrel. I personally think that such practice is, at best, absurd, but the the handfull of people who are familiar with huckabee's Fetish for rotisserie rodents still don't view such practice as being as obscene as eating another rodent like rats.

     This got me thinking, and has led me to the conclusion that the only difference between rats and squirrels that changes public opinion so much is the bushy tail. If you think about it, rats have bare tails and are vermin, but squirrels have bushy tails and are somewhat more tolerated vermin. Raccoons sneak into your garbage, and can actually be viscious. However possums are just as annoying, but mostly docile, yet they are not equipped with the furry tail that thier sinister mammalian counterpart has. Therefore my true opinion for this weekis that furry tails are awesome.



10/15/07: Is anyone ever gonna read any of this? I mean it would be quite awesome if I had my own independent blog that wasn't on Myspace or Livejournal or something, but to what extent are people actually gonna be reading any of this. To be honest it all feels kinda pointless


11/1/07: I can't believe it's already november.It's really a trip thinkiong ab out how fast things have gone by. Lately I've kinda been wondering about how we as humans are consumers. How we take so many things on the individual level, yet we create so little. I've been thinking a lot about the metaphor that mankind is a mold on the earth like we are devouring a piece of bread.

          It's kinda funny thinking about how many times things like the apocalypse are brought up in popular fiction, but if you really think about it, it seems like we as a race are the apocalypse. Although it doesn't seems like the cliche sudden disaster it's made out to be, the rise of the human race and the destruction we've caused really does seem like a flash in the pan compared to how long life has been around on this planet.


Speaking of consumers. Never eat too many sour patch kids at once. This is the third day since that my gums have been chapped


Sometime-in-late-november: I can't believe it's almost not november anymore. Actually I can. Nevermind. As far as opinions go, a very strong one that I have at the moment is that the finger between your pinky and your middle finger (I think it's the index finger, but I can't remember, which shows hw unimportant that finger is). To be honest, the pinky despite its small size, provides my grip with a decent level of coverage, yet I don't really think there is much goin' down with that Index finger.

I wonder if it somehow became trendy to lose fingers, what would be the hot finger to lose?


12/4/07: Yay! It's christmas shopping season again. The promised land for everyone trying to sell you something. And it even kinda seems funny how the christmas season seems to begin earlier and earlier every year. I remember how a few years ago someone joked about how christmas now started the day after halloween. It was a joke then but this year I literally saw people putting up christmas decorations the day after halloween. Maybe it's a strange idea, but I think in the future, as opposed to the seasons being determined on astronomical, geographical, or religioius guidelines, that they will be determined by the holiday and it's Merchandise. Instead of winter, it will be christmas season, followed by valentines day season. then the dark ages when there is no major holiday to make a buck off of, the 4th of july, memorial day, halloween and then christmas again. the only flaw about basing your year on it is that the season of christmas woiuld be disproportionally large in comparison to everything else.


