
Originally I thought of doing some sort of point-of-view shot for this prompt, but then I realized there wasn’t any real way of making that look like a point-of-view shot necessarily like you might be

Film Noir

While not traditional film noir, this photo does fall into more of a subgenre called “neo-noir.” This essentially borrow similar tricks and styles to film noir, but updates it to more modern standards, especially by


You often see those black-and-white candid pictures of work in a magazine or shots in a movie of employees in cubicles, and seeing my dad in our kitchen/dining room working, it reminded me greatly of

Color Theory

Color theory is one that is a bit tough to do interestingly in the everyday world during winter because there are just not a whole lot of colors out. You can contrast light easily but


Since there obviously hasn’t been any storms recently (and the last I was in Canada for), I looked through some old photos I’ve taken for this photo blog, and in the couple good “storm” photos

The Elements

While not the traditional elements, fog feels apart of “the elements” as much as anything else, and you can feel it’s real power in this photo. The tiny man surrounded by a thick blanket of

Rule of Odds

While also relying on the rule of thirds, I think the rule of odds comes into play greatly here with the singular car and beam of light on the left inspiring a feeling of loneliness,


A picture of fallen leaves or something probably would’ve better for this, but I think this encapsulated a very wintery wonderland and the change of a season—or being centered directly in winter—very well. The sign


While this isn’t necessarily something I’m extraordinarily grateful for (though I do love the snow), the story of this photo feels like a story of gratitude and contentment. The axe in that log after a

I mean I don’t think this needs much explanation. The thirds line splits the larger memorial against the new One World Trade Center. A hefty toll that can never be repaid.