
Shadows are an easy thing to find wherever there is light, but what is hard to find is a unique shadow or at least one separate from those that we constantly see of people and

New Beginnings

While in general, it is difficult to find signs of a new beginning in the middle of the winter, one morning while I was walking my dog through the park, I noticed the sun, I


While I’ve lived the last 5 and a half years in California, I still consider my hometown where I spent the first 11 years of my life; Dresher (or Philadelphia), Pennsylvania. The one thing around


This wasn’t originally meant to be so literal, but after looking at all the pictures I took, I think this one did fit the idea of “warmth” the best. The reflection focused on almost builds


I’d say I have three main aspects to who I am and my personality. I am from Philadelphia (and a passionate Philly sports fan), I love my nerdy things, and I want to write and