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Author: kostav



From a different point of view, I chose to take a picture of my friend’s dog. Her dog is super friendly and out of all her friends loves me the most. I think dogs have a different and unique view of the world and can see what some humans can’t. For example, dogs are much more loyal than humans and don’t let words get to them but actions do. I feel like more humans should be more like dogs in…

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Film Noir

Film Noir

For my Film Noir photo, I chose a photo of me on a porch looking off into the distance. Film Noir, to me, always represents mystery and crime. So I chose a photo that made me look mysterious and I took this photo in black and white just like every Film Noir. I think being on this porch and looking off in the distance keeps their audience guessing as well which is another goal of Film Noir.

Color Theory

Color Theory

For this assignment, we were supposed to create an image that looked straight out of a movie. I chose this image with my friends because I thought it was a nice and fun image. I then changed it to look like it was out of a movie by adjusting the colors and adding filters so it would look retro. I think it turned out pretty good and overall I am very satisfied with the end result.

Long Shutter Speed Exposure

Long Shutter Speed Exposure

This photo was supposed to represent New years. That’s why I took it in the dark with my ISO all the way up so the camera could let in enough light to see my face. I also wanted the picture to be overexposed because that was a part of the assignment dn also symbolizes the new year better. Another way I showed that it was the new year was by holding up 23 however it looks like I’m holding up…

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Small vs Large

Small vs Large

For this photo, we were asked to choose something that represents a small object next to a bigger one. So I chose my friend sitting down next to a building wall. We as humans are far smaller than all the buildings and mountains around us. Just like a bug seems small to us we seem small to a building or a mountain. I chose to capture this occurrence and present it as my small vs big picture.

The Elements

The Elements

For the elements picture, I chose to take a picture of the roots of a tree. I think this picture shows the element of Earth because of the soil and the tree because these are the elements made by the Earth and have been around for as long as the Earth. I think this also shows spirit because the tree has spirit due to the fact it has grown from a little see to now a big and strong tree….

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Rule of Odds

Rule of Odds

For the Rule of Odds picture, I was inspired by the rock picture shown in the example. I chose to do something similar by putting 3 pretzels together and taking a picture of them which shows the odd number with a solid background. looking at the picture now I probably should have taken the picture not sideways but horizontally. I am happy with how the picture turned out and I think the shadows add a nice touch. For this image,…

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Since we are in the winter/fall season currently I looked for trees and how were without leafs to represent this. I found his tree outside my apartment building and thought it represented the season perfectly. When I think of fall/winter I think of snow, rain, orange leafs, and the cold. I think in this picture some of those elements are shown and that’s why I took it. I used an Aperture of 4.5, an ISO of 800, and a Shutter…

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For the gratitude section of this project, I chose to put a picture of my dad. My dad has helped me and supported me through all my ups and downs. Without him, I wouldn’t be the same person I am today and he has thought me so much. He has also gone out of his way to make my dreams and wishes come true. All these reasons are why I am forever grateful to him. For this image, I used…

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Rule of Thirds Emotion

Rule of Thirds Emotion

For this topic, I chose to take a picture of my little brother smiling in a rule of thrids framing. I think his emotion is very well portrayed in this photo and you can feel his happiness. I also tried to use the rule of thirds diagram as best as possible and tried to put his right eye on the intersection of the grid. For this image, I used an Aperture of 2.8, an ISO of 2500, and a Shutter…

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