Narrative Visual Perspective in Film

Narrative Visual Perspective in Film

The Narrative unit was the biggest and the most fun unit of all the film units we had this year. We did many mini-units in the big narrative unit which consisted of acting, lighting, dialogue, and different types of editing techniques. Some units were more challenging than others but overall they were all very interesting and a great learning experience. For my final narrative project, I worked with Attila and we created our movie. Which consisted of months of preparing, shooting, and editing in order to create our final vision.

Story boar5ds are used as preparation before shooting in order to know your story and what you are shooting. In a storyboard, you are supposed to capture each frame that you will shoot and therefore create a story before filming. Your storyboard is a reflection of your movie, so if your storyboard is boring or not funny then your movie will not be funny. We did a storyboard activity in the design of the year in order to prepare us for our narrative film.

My group’s storyboard enacted
The Short movie my group filmed
The Short movie my group edited

When it was time to shoot our Narrative Film Attile and I were ready. We used our knowledge of the camera and our storyboards to help us achieve our movie vision. We would mainly shoot on Sunday mornings because that was a time that worked for our actors and for us. Our main location was downtown Mountain View and we tried to set a goal of which scenes we would shoot each day. It wasn’t easy but after months of shooting, we finally finished and achieved our goal.

Behind the scenes

The overview of our narrative movie is about a rich guy who drops his wallet when walking next to a homeless man. The homeless man then picks it up and starts chasing the rich guy trying to give him his wallet back. The rich guy not knowing what is happening starts running away from the homeless man and they start a chase around town. This project was super fun and rewarding to create and see come to life. Unfortunately, we are not done editing yet.