Narrative Visual Perspective in English

Narrative Visual Perspective in English

The English world-building project was a project in which we reflected on The Parable of the Sower, which is a book we read in class, and made our own world. In this world, we had full creative freedom to create whatever we wanted but we had to connect it to a real-world issue that we experienced today. The point of this project was to show and improve our creative freedom but also address the real issues that are happening in the world today.

Through this project, I grew immensely as a reader and a writer. Due to the fact that I got such creative freedom, I was more passionate and engaged in my work. This made me do more research and actually read the book. When I actually read the book my reading skills improved drastically, along with the fact that we had discussions every week which made it crucial for me to understand the book. The research sources also improved my reading skills because I was just reading different sources from different people and learning new writing styles and words as I went. My writing skills on the other hand improved by writing the actual narrative treatment and constantly revising it with my English teacher. Doing these revisions made me realize my writing mistakes and help not make them in future writing pieces I did.