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Author: kostav

Color without Color

Color without Color

For the color without color picture, I chose to do a picture of Croatia that I took while on vacation there. This picture shows the blue water of the Medeteranina Sea along with the white and black rocks on the beach. I think in this image it is easy to imagine how the sea and the rocks look even without color that’s why I chose it for this Story Telling category. For this image, I used an aperture of 4,…

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My Inspiration

My Inspiration

For my inspiration, I chose to post a picture of my mother. My mother is a person that inspires me because of her hard work and that she never gave up. Her dream was always to move from Serbia in order to have a better life for her and her kids and that’s why I am here today. I am super thankful for her and all that she has done for me but also aspire to be like her one…

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Fill the Frame

Fill the Frame

For the fill the frame topic I chose to take a picture of a flower. I have always been super fascinated by close-up flower pictures because they look super intriguing. I chose to replicate one of these pictures but was unable to get as close to the flowers as I wanted. However, I think this picture captures the flower well and separates it from the background. I also think the light hits the flower really well and that also adds…

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I chose to post a picture of my brother for this category because he has been a huge part of my life story along with creating a unique story for himself. My brother and I were born 5 years apart in Serbia and moved to America together. When we first came here he was my only friend and we would always play around. Now we are not as close because of the age cap and different generations but we still…

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My Habits

My Habits

For my habit post, I took a picture of a dumbbell I use to work out. Working out has become a habit for me ever since the being of my junior year. I started working out because I wanted to look better and be healthier. This has turned into me going to the gym 6 days a week and almost never skipping. This is an overall good habit because it has improved my health and self-confidence. I plan to continue…

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Facial Symmetry

Facial Symmetry

I think it is super interesting to see how different your face is. When you look at yourself in the mirror you don’t realize that one side is entirely different from the other. Everyone thinks that your body is the same on both sides which is entirely false. I also find it interesting that you can use photoshop and make yourself look different with little work. I also learned not to believe what I see online because anyone can do…

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My Culture

My Culture

This image relates to my culture because it is a picture of a saint who is a religious figure in Serbia. I was born and raised in Serbia therefore the religion and religious traditions I did as a kid still sticks with me today. I think religion is a big part of my culture and shows where I come from. My religion is Christian orthodox and it is not very common in America. The religious holidays that come with this…

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