
f5 1/20 ISO 2000

For this photo blog I took a picture of three people walking into the sunset. This technically works, since three is an odd number, but I wish I had gotten a shot of them more spaced out so that they stand out individually.


1/2 f/11 ISO 1200

This is a picture I took of a yucca plant near my house. I took the photo close to the base and pointing up to create a leading line up to the spiky flowers at the top. I used a high aperture value to get it to focus up close.


1/80 f/8 ISO 200

This is a photo of one of the lamp-posts by city hall. It struck me as being super symmetrical because of the two identical bushes on either side. I really liked that the color scheme is consolidated to just pinks and greens. Since those are complimentary it looks really nice


1/2000 f/8 ISO 3200

This is a photo of the bubble maker who came to my dads company picnic. I felt that the movement of the bubbles inflating and stretching away from the bubble wand was a good fit for the “movement” part of the prompt. For the rule of thirds, I tried to place the bubble maker at the bottom right corner and the bubble at the top left corner.