
1/125 f/22 ISO 12800

For this blog I took a photo of one peeled orange “gasp”. At first glance it might look like a whole orange, but if you look closer (hopefully) you can see that it is a peel arranged back into its original shape.


f5 1/10 ISO 1600

This is a photo I took of my brother kneeling in front of a pond. It is very serene because he is out there all alone enjoying nature. This is a man made pond in the Arizona desert, so it is a cooling break on a hot hike.


1/1500 f/12 ISO 36000

For the prompt “golden hour” I went out a little before the sunset to take picture’s. I was trying to get a photo of the sky and was frustrated that the buildings were in the way, then I realized the light was shining off the buildings and it was pretty.


f1,4 1/30 ISO 29600

This is a photo of the water fountain at the city hall plaza, I took this with the speed light and it made the water really sparkly. I though the sparkly water shows the beauty and preciousness of water well.


1/60 f/0 ISO 800

I took this photo outside my house after the rain. I really like the way the rain makes everything dark and shiny, you can see the reflection of the sky in the pavement, and all the dark colors really bring out the bright yellow and orange leaves. Seemed like a good photo for the white balance prompt because the colors are more vibrant than usual.


1/2 f/20 ISO 900

I took this photo in my neighborhood, one of my neighbors had a cool lawn display that made me think of the prompt weight or mass. The wheels are heavy and metal, but their suspended in the air like they weigh very little.


1/2 f/22 ISO 800

For the prompt “mood” I took a picture at Rancho San Antonio. It was late in the evening and the sun was shining through the leaves along the trail. The big oak tree and the fence made super dark silhouettes in foreground. I think this captures the bittersweet feeling of something coming to an end. Like coming home after a long but happy day.