
I was able to truthfully portray my interviewer and her work about her community, as I had a previously established relationship with them. It was in both of our best interests to be as honest as possible, and for me when editing to try and maintain her image how she had portrayed it in the interview. For the Documentary Project we had to research our own current issue, and find perspective from interviewees to prove the importance of our subject. Additionally, for this particular unit there was a big emphasis on narrative style journalism.

Having completed my Documentary Project, I can recognize the most helpful skills that I was able to derive from it. I have learned how to effectively conduct an interview and cut together clips to provide a particular stance on the subject matter. Specifically, I can cut parts together or remove parts to make my interviewee take more of a stance, or change the interpretation of what they are saying. I also learned how the parts of an article, and how to transcribe interviews.

We made the mocumentary video to practice our interview-taking skills. We thought that it would be a cool idea to feature our own mocumentary around the rat that lives in the ceiling of the freestyle film room.
My Final Documentary Cut

We tested our writing skills as we wrote an article on our broader topic using the interview transcripts and questions that we had come up with. I took information from both my subjects to put together my own paper, that questions what kind of stance to take in the time of crisis due to the current virus.

Lori at Lincoln Memorial

Lori Leonard, is the wife of Scott Leonard, she currently takes care of her parents who live not far away, and works as a physical therapist when not working in an ergonomic capacity at home.

Scott (left), and Lori (right)

Scott Leonard, the husband of Lori Leonard, is a patient who suffered through this outbreak as he had torn his ACL before it started. He had to wait many months to reschedule his surgery, and currently sees physical therapists for rehabilitation.