
Humor Project

I had a lot of fun with this one, and it just goes to show how cool the Freestyle English class is. No other English class lets us make productions that are as fun as this. The work almost didn’t feel like work at all. Watching everyone else’s pieces I can really appreciate the diversity at the school, and the variety of humor people have. This world needs more positivity, and laughter can get us there.

Eagle Scout Project

One of the projects I undertook while in freestyle but not in freestyle was my big Eagle Scout project. I had to get it completed in a timely fashion, working on coordinating with a variety of different individuals to plans, obtaining materials, making schematics, and finding funding from various sources. I feel that my time at Freestyle in part prepared me for the undertaking of this project especially with the focus on working together in my Film Class. Freestyle works actively to promote collaboration in all classes, and these social skills learned contributed greatly to the projects completion. These 3 boxes (2 rectangles and 1 square), that are mobile and made from a tough redwood, have been donated to the Mountain View High School Special Education Department.

Eagle Project Planter Box Project
Inside of a Planter Box


My favorite pieces could very well have been the creating of the mandalas, they were fun to make, and I was able to do whatever I wanted creatively. I really like the environment, so I felt compelled to make both my pieces reflect that. Freestyle enabled me to make something I felt was truly beautiful, and wouldn’t have ever thought to make on my own. My Father, hadn’t even known what a mandala was.

Build Reveal of my Black and White Mandala
Colored Mandala

Chapman Narrative

With skills I learned in film, I applied them to try and go to Chapman, and working with 2 weeks only I was able to pull this together and be put on the waitlist. Although I was not offered admission, I made it far through hard work and dedication through those two weeks. Learning from my project, I can better appreciate other student films, and know that some things simply can’t be rushed.

Chapman Application Video