Project Intro

For the Comedy unit in English, we were tasked with creating a humor project in the form a video. We had a broad range of what we could do, and I chose to make an Expectation VS Reality video, which makes fun of the current state that we are in while being quarantined during this age of the coronavirus.

Project Proposal

Analysis of 2 humorists

For my humor project, I would like to draw my inspiration from two YouTube channels: LoveLiveServe and Shania Love. LoveLiveServe is a channel run by two friends, Noah Boat and Rhino, that create relatable and funny videos. They both direct and act in each of their videos which include a series of skits that make fun of a lot of everyday things that we go through. They also create videos that highlight, make fun of and mimic famous people like singers and rappers. What is interesting about their work is that they use the comedic tool of exaggerism. In their “Expectations VS Reality” and “Types of People” videos, they practice exaggeration a lot to add to the comedic effect. For example, in one of their videos, “What you think you look like vs. Reality,” there was a section about how we walk. In the “expectation” portion, he walks by a girl with confidence and says “hi” to her then continues down the hall feeling good about himself. In contrast, in the “reality” portion of the section, as he walks by the girl, his legs are not stable, he seems to have forgotten how to walk, he can’t speak properly, and he is shaking as if the ground is shaking. Realistically, it’s true that we may not look as cool walking down the hallway as we think we do, but he took it to another level that is almost even unrealistic in order to exaggerate and make it appear more funny.

The other YouTuber I am influenced by, Shania Love, makes the same type of videos. She has posted playlists for “Expectations VS Reality” as well as “Types of People” videos just live LoveLiveServe. But, she doesn’t use exaggeration for her comedic effect. Instead, she focuses on using situational humor. This basically means that her videos are funny because they are about actual situations and circumstances that she has experienced for herself. For example, she has made many videos relating to her life as a black girl. This makes her videos more funny because she expresses sociotypes and makes jokes about relatable situations that the black community can all relate to. In one of her videos, “Black Girl Struggles 🙄,” she makes fun of a lot of problems that black girls have in their lives. The video also highlights some ignorance that other people can have when it comes to understand black culture such as hair, family life, experiences and more, which add to the meaning as well as the humor in the video.

Reflection about what’s most useful about the humorists studied

After learning about these YouTubers and how they successfully use humor in their work, I want to use the same comedic tools that they have been using. For one, I’ve realized that making relatable content is something that can add to the humor. In addition, I want to use that along with situational humor to create something I have experience in that others can relate to as well. I have come up with the idea that I can focus on this coronavirus pandemic because it would be a great source of situational humor since we are all going through it together and it is relatable for all of us. I also want to create an “Expectations VS Reality video just like the two YouTubers I have studied. I also think it would be valuable to use exaggerism as well to an extent. I may not use it as much as it is used in LoveLiveServe because it may pull away from the relatability a bit too much, but I want to use it to increase the humor.

Description of chosen project

Which form of humor are you planning to develop?
Comedic Narrative

What is the subject (or, in the case of satire, the target)? Why did you choose this subject?
My subject for this project is the circumstance we are in with being quarantined and having the coronavirus going around.

Which comedic tools/techniques do you plan to use, and why? (List at least 3 main ones and explain briefly how you plan to use them):
– Situational Humor: Making fun of this coronavirus age that we are all living in at the moment by showing what the expectations of living at home are vs what is really happening for us at home during this time
– Exaggerism :Building contrast between what is expected and what the reality is. Making the expectation look really good and desirable and making the reality look very pathetic and funny.
– Situational Irony: Referencing situations where we thought that we would go one way but life/our circumstances went a completely different route

Description of and links to comedic influences

LoveLiveServe: A YouTube channel that makes a lot of expectation vs reality videos and uses humor and exaggeration to make people laugh about relatable experiences.

Link to channel:

Shania Love: A YouTuber who makes fun of many of her experiences being a black girl by using comedy and making funny videos that black girls can relate to.

Link to channel:

Project Script/Outline

Humor Project Script: Expectation VS Reality

Getting along with family/roommates

Everyone gets along, Family dinners, Family game nights, Understanding of not doing homework
Chores, Bickering, Getting annoyed with each other
Exercise and working out

Getting fit by the time we are all out
School and homework
Teachers assign nothing, Very minimal work, Homework is easy and nonexistent
Teachers assign a BUNCH of homework, Homework is hard and confusing, Endless Zoom classes, Bad internet and slow computer
Connecting/FaceTiming Friends

Doing things over facetime together, Talking everyday
Call freezes, Bad connection
Going Outside

Nice and peaceful, not many people, Nice neighbors, keeping their distance and being friendly
Avoiding other people, Anxious, People coughing around

Project Video

Honors Humor Comparison Essay