My Family

Explain how your famly the question "Who am i"

The best Family ever!!!!!

This is my family, the family i have shared everything with, they have taken a carving tool taken there hands out of their pockets to shape me into the person you see today.

Now lets start with my parents My mom Sandy and my father jerry. They have both been huge in my life they always want me to work hard for my goals and achieve more. Both my parents have their wave of quirks and personality flares my moms being that crazy organization freak you know you should listen to but you don’t or my father who is about powerful statements that don’t really need words.



The best Family ever!!!!!


My brother is the person on the right, his name is Christopher and we are twins. Chis just so happens to be a freestyle student as well and in his free time he likes to listen to music or just sit and play video games. Chris helps me when I need someone to talk to or just someone to say


The best Family ever!!!!!

My Grandmother Nacy Seevers is one of the most influencial people that i have in my life. She has givin me some of the most important lessons about giving. My grandmother is constantly giving to poeple around her even if she may not know them. She has also helped me learn to live life to the fullest. One of my grandmothers biggest activity is spending time with family or friends.