Ten things I have learned so far

In English we had to create a basic concept of things that showed what i have learned in life, It was geared to represent "Who am I". In this assignment we were specifically asked that this list not be cliché. This was in total made us think at a rich new level in who we are, and what sets us apart from everyone else.


Quicktime requiredBeing lazy is worse than productivity
  1. Being lazy is worse than that of productivity
  2. Perfection isn't achievable but your best is always
  3. Optimism is the key to happiness
  4. Love your purpose
  5. Don't mask your individual uniqueness it is rare and special
  6. Be Truethful
  7. True love always comes free
  8. Creativity is seeing not looking
  9. Where there is more people, its where more memories are made
  10. The future is simply YOU!!!

So with this assignment we started it as one of the first projects at freestyle, and working with garadgeband was a lot of fun. I learned a lot of things about garadge band like what a playhead was or what a loop was. At first I was very concerned about using a program i did not know but i quickly learned with the help of classmates. In this assignment Reflect on the process of using the grrageband for this production

English media piece

In English we had to create a list of ten things that showed "Who am I". This list later had to be narrowed down into one of the 10 things. With this 1 thing we were asked to take a photo of it that represented the one thing along with an explanation. After that was done we were all asked to present this photo in front of the class; in which the class gave comments. Here is my Media piece presentation I hope you enjoy!!!!!