Welcome to my Website!!!!

This is My self-portrait website and with in this website I have weaved meaning into the design the locations and much more. All of these things had to be miticuleusly chosen and placed to convey the meaning of myself. One way I did this was the choice to make my own background for this website. The reasons that I did this was the fact that I wanted to show the the mistakes in a person. If you look closly there are mistakes everywhere, but when you look from afar it looks very clean and almost in away normal. One reason that i picked the nature theme for this website was to show that we are all unique like a leaf all leafs are different but still important.

In order to create this project a lot of work with new programs had to occur. I had to learn how to operate Dreamweaver by Adobe; Dreamweaver is a program in which websites are made. I had to learn how to make Technical things like (div's or box's) and much more within dreamweaver. I also had to learn about rollover buttons, or a button that has a changing image when you roll your cursor over it. All of these things required work not just in dreamweaver but also within Photoshop as well. With photoshop I made the images for the rollover buttons along with the header and background. All took time, but i learned a lot about how useful and amazing photoshop is.

With in this self-portrait unit I have learned so much about myself and about who I am. I have learned about how crucial the little things in life are, and to overlook them would be a large mistake. With in each page i have created I have learned to show little snap shots of "who am I" something I have had little to now opportunity to do in any class before freestyle. I hope You enjoy each snap shot I given you to see, I hope that you too will find "who am I"


Explian the assingment in english and WebAudio