My Parents

My parents see that I have great potentail in the future, and told me to keep pushing harder for more in order to reach my goal of becoming a director as my future career. My mom tells me I'm very talented from all my art work she had seen before. She tells me that I'm very creative, and passionate about my work, and tells me that I will grow up to be an amazing artist. My father tells me that I'm very creative, passionate, and compassionate about my work, he tells me that that I look into things in a more different way, I take things more seriously at times, and more deeply. This is how my parents describe me as me.

My Mommy

This is my mother Yeshica Robles. My mother is a strong head, beautiful, woman, but at times she can be very weird, and goofy like me. I love my mom very much, and I’m very grateful to have such a wonderful mom.

She would always push me to try harder, she inspires me to follow my dreams and constantly tells me to never give up. Even when I give up on the most simplest little things, she tells me to never give up, keep trying.

My mother works very hard, she does whatever she can to keep me and my little sister happy.I’m proud to have a mom like her, she is the reasons why I want to get my dream job in the future because I want to help her and support her through all those struggling times when she had to work late, or sacrifices her needs for ours.I love my mommy very much, and I hope in the future I will be able to support her just like she supported me.

My Daddy

My dad tells me I’m weird all the time, yet he’s weirder than I am. My dad likes to be goofy sometimes, and kids around alot with me. But when it comes to something serious, he becomes a different person.My dad tries to push me out of my comfort zone, which I don’t like to do, yet he does whatever he can to support me in my goals, and dreams. He tells me to try harder, take risk, do something you never done before.

I do the best I can to leave me comfort zone sometimes, to try something new, like when my dad asked me to help him trim the garden in the backyard. I didn’t really want to help because I didn’t know the first thing about gardening, but after I tried I realized I actually enjoyed it.

I want to support both my parents with the goal of becoming a director in the future. My parents work so hard to support me and aid me in my journey to becoming a successful director in the future. With this goal I can be able to support my parents.