Self-Portrait Web Gems


A web gem is talking about interseting websites that I have encounter before and giving you insight about these amazing sites for people to check out. At the end of each week I will talk about new info on a new sight that I stumble upon. By placing a new Web gem each week gives me the practice on how I will need to look back at my website if I need to fix, or improve something on my website. I do hope you enjoy this page in my website. I'll do my best to give you as much info as possible on each site I visit to. Thank you.

December 13,2013



Spotify is one of the most amazing music sites you can ever find on any ordinary site. In this website holds a variety of artist, to indie music, to foreign music. In spotify you can make a playlist of your favorite bands or albums, and you can even follow other people on spotify.

Be the first to listen your favorite artist new album before it comes out in stores. Listen to full length albums of you favorite artist. Spotify also has an app on the iPhone, iPod, android, even for your windows PC, and Mac. I recommend for everyone to check out this neat website because this website is not like any other ordinary music site I have ever been to.

Draw a stickman.con

December 6, 2013



Draw a stick is an interactive website where you are the artist. In this website you can be able to draw anything that you desire, whether its a stick man to a realistic figure. There are three episodes in this website, one is about being creative, the second about a hero. The third episode however is a link to the creator of the website, and leads you to a youtube video about the creator.

The episodes in this website already contain the materials of what the story will take place. As for the artist you create the character who will take place in the story.This website is manily to entertain you by using your imigination. You are the artist therefore you can create a tale of an epic adventure or goof off till your hearts content. I enjoyed this website very much because you don't see many websites today where you can interact with the website itself.

November 26, 2013 is one of the most useful websites that I have ever used before.
In this website you can be able to keep your assignments orginaized so that when it's time to turn in your work you won't forget where you left it last. As a student, if your teacher uses you can e able to ask her for the code and password for your teachers class, and only for that class. You can be able to download your essay's, power points, or any assignments to and send it to the class that you need to turn it into.

As for a teacher I am unsure how the process works in, but I believe the teacher is the one who can be able to access the network where they can look at the assginments that the students must turn in. This website is useful for many disorganized people because they are able to keep their assginments on track , and orgainzed with their peers, and students.

November 22, 2013



Mangareader holds many of my favorite manga books like Naruto, One piece, and Bleach. For those who do not know what manga is; manga are japanese comics that you read from left to right. the from and style of manga comics are different comapred to the ones we have in America. Manga books are black and white, that contains the images of cartoon cahracters, not realistic images.

I stumbled on to the website by accident one time, and I was immdently hooked on it. This website contains 1000's and 1000s of manga books to your liking. If you scroll down on the home page you will see the top list of the most poplar manga that mangareader has to offer. On the top page manga reader places the top three most poplar manga with a wide thumbnail image. If you click on the search engine that the top corner you will be bale to search up your favorite mangas.You can click on the maga list button and look through the manga list. This website updates their manga every end of the month do you can be updated with your favorite manga books.



November 15, 2013

Sound cloud is one of my favorite music sites of all time. Sound cloud holds the largest community of artist, bands, creators of music and audio, even podcasters! It's true that iTunes hold many similar products then sound cloud, but iTunes doesn't hold all your favorite artist like sound cloud does. In sound cloud you can explore on the search site your favorite artist, or bands.

You can even search for anonymous artist's that you rarely find on an other website, and the best part you can listen to their songs for free. the cool things about this website is that when you create a playlist of your favorite songs other people will be able to follow you for your awesome taste in music, and you can even follow them for outstanding taste in music too. I recomend for everyone to take a peek on this amazing website and enjoy it as much as I do. I give sound cloud a 10 out of 10 for its tasty music.

November 7, 2013

This website holds a variety of anime's that you can choose from, such as Naruto, Avatar the last air bender, Samurai Jack, and much, much more. You can also be able to read mangos from here too, just click on the top middle read link that says "Read Manga" and your on your way. I really love this website because every week or so they add a new anime, or movie for your entertainment. I hope you check on this website, and enjoy it as much as I do. If your ever looking for a good anime just come down to I gaurantee you will find an anime to enjoy.
October 23, 2013

Hey look what I found!!

I was having trouble trying to find a a particular word for my summer essay project until my freind told me about this neat place called where you can find 100's and 100's of words all on one website. In this website it has a cool feature when you look up a word a scroll some what down of the diffention of th word you will find this feature called visual theasurus where you can visual see how one word is branched off to many other different words with a realted meaning.

I really like this website because it not only helps you in a need of a definition but enterains you some cross puzzles, history background of the dictionary, recommened apps for adults and children that is realted to dicitonary bases, twitter news, translation, quotes, refernces, and much much more. I hope you will look into this website, and enjoy it as much as I do. I.ll be writing a new blog each end of the end of each week, giving you more info about more interesting websites in the future. Talk to you real soon!!


Octbober, 2013

Whenever I'm down, or just want to watch a good show I go In there are a variety of different Asian dramas to choose from. I personally love to watch more Japanese dramas then regular dramas here in America. But this website does not only carry a variety of Japanese dramas, this website holds over 1000's of different Asian dramas such as, Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese, Hong Kong, and finally Korean.

The latest drama I've watched was One pound Gospel, its about a young boxer in his early 20's, who falls in love with a beautiful Nun, yet he can not be with her because she is a Nun, and he has to focus on his future career of become the greatest boxer of all time for his coach. If you know a drama that you like you can search it up on the website, or if your not sure of what toe of drama you want you can to the link above where it says "Drama list" and look through all the different types of dramas the website has.

This website updates their drama every week or so, each week the place a new episode of a new drama or ongoing dramas. Basically this website is like watching all the Asian dramas straight from your T.V. I do hope you enjoy this website as much as I do. Once again I'll be updating my Web gem page each week, I will hopefully try to find a website to your liking. Thank you again for coming on my website.