Self-Portrait Illustration


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In my desgin class I was assgined to create an image on Illustrator that is relevant to my personal essay. In my Illustration I created the image of a wolf looking at the bird that is flying, as the wolf seems to look like he is moving towards the bird cage. I wanted to portray in this Illustration of how you can be free even if your not meant to be or you feel as though you cannot, you are always free.

In Adobe Illustrator I used some images that I found online and placed it on Illustrator to trace my images instead of drawing them. It was a fast and easier way to get a drawing you want done on time. After tracing all my images I created new layers to add a fill of color around the images. I added more details on my wolf, bird, cage, and add some shadows to give my illustration some value, and interest.

I used the paint brush amd changed its settings to a brislte brush to give the affect of shadows on the wolf amd cage. After creating my images I gave my background a light purple because I wanted the time setting of my image to be night, creating stars and a moon to portray that it is night time. I wasn't sure to leave the rest of the canvas purple or add some type of image in the background. I decided to add some mountains in the background because I wanted to give the feeling of sadness. Finally I added the affect of snow using the bristle brush again.I had a wonderful time creating this piece because it gave me the chance to truely expresse who I am and what I enjoy.