Ten things I learned so far

In my freestyle English class I was assgined to create a list of ten things that I learned over my lifetime.After creating my list I was asggined in my Webaudio class to create a podcast for the list. I had to record myself in grageband about the ten things I learned so far. After recording I had to create some background music for the podcast. My WebAudio teacher assgined for all of the students to find ten images that are relevant to the list that way whenever some one is looking on our website they can visualize and listen to our podcast.

  1. Thinking inside the surface helps me understand better.
  2. Writing can take me beyond my reach.
  3. Education is the key to success.
  4. Never give in to the grey.
  5. Got to enjoy the little things in life.
  6. Wishes can become dreams, but dreams can become goals.
  7. My voice is my savior.
  8. Thinking is my weapon.
  9. Laughter keeps the world moving.
  10. Violence can be tamed with compassion.

For this production piece I had to use grageband to create my podcast Ten things I learned so far. I recorded my voice in the IsoBooth, then convert that recording to grageband, where I edit, and create my background music for my podcast.

English media piece

The purpose of this piece is to describes who I am. I used one of my drawings for my media piece because I adore wolves, and I believe that I am a wolf at times because I use my voice to save myself from the negativity that indiviudlas may bring upon to me.






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