Rule of Odds

This week, we were challenged to use the rule of odds in photography, meaning threes and fives. It was a challenge to find this in nature, but I think these three flowers, nicely framed in the rule of thirds, use this rule well. I especially like the background of white flowers, which makes for some …

Negative Space

This week we were supposed to photograph a landscape using negative space. I wanted to do this in a more creative way, and when I saw this group of old gnarly trees, I thought that they would be perfect to create some interesting shapes with negative space. I took this photo from below the tree, …

Center Frame Portrait

This week we focused on centering our subject in the frame as a way to isolate the subject, with the purpose of creating a feeling of loneliness. I feel that the center framing and the subject’s pose both contribute to the feeling of loneliness. I think this is an interesting relationship between the pretty leaves …

Balance in Holiday Traditions

This is a photo I took for the prompt “Balance in Holiday Traditions.” Being Christmastime, I took a photo of one of the ornaments on our Christmas tree. This one is made from Czech beads that came from my parents’ Europe trip this year. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is putting up the …

Leading Lines

This week, we were using leading lines to show the concept of infinity. This was a photo I took on a walk with some of my family, among the beautiful autumn leaves of New England. I think that the photo doesn’t perfectly show the concept of infinity, but I like the way that all the …

Symmetry Landscape

To fulfill the prompt of a symmetrical landscape, I chose to photograph a symmetrical subject over a still pond. This led to both horizontal and vertical symmetry, with the reflection in the water. I was pleased with how the photograph came out, so I only slightly edited the lighting using a curves adjustment layer in …

Rule of Thirds: Motion

This is a photo I took in my neighborhood for the prompt “Rule of Thirds: Motion.” I was experimenting with night photography with long exposure, focusing on the headlights from cars as they drove by. I set the camera up on a tripod to keep it steady for the long exposure. The balance between the …