
Welcome to my portfolio! I have really enjoyed my time here at Freestyle Academy and would love to share some of my favorite projects that I have done here!

Product Logo Design

For this project, I designed the brand Tera Skincare and created a logo and brand identity for it on Adobe Illustrator. I wanted the brand to communicate a clean, fresh mood because that is how one wants to feel after using skincare. I focused on the images of a water droplet and a monstera leaf, to keep a cohesive and simple brand identity. After designing the logo, I designed the product packaging by incorporating an extended version of those two symbols. I also designed two pieces of merch for the brand, a water bottle and a gift bag. While the motifs I use are very consistent, there are different iterations that add variety to the merch without being boring. I learned a lot about branding and marketing through this project and am very happy with how it came out.

Documentary Book

The documentary unit was a large undertaking, but really rewarding. The topic I chose to research was Astrobee, a very cool robot that works on the International Space Station and helps us better understand the future of humans in space. I combined efforts from multiple classes to create my documentary book. In English, I conducted interviews with NASA engineers, researched my topic, and wrote a long paper that would eventually become the text of my book. In Design, I took photos of Astrobee and the surrounding NASA campus, illustrated schematic illustrations, and designed the layout of my book on Adobe InDesign. It was a fun challenge to work on such a large-scale project, because I had to create a cohesive look throughout the book without losing variety and interest. I am very proud of how my documentary book turned out.


We were challenged to design a PSA that communicates an idea quickly and simply, without the viewer having to think too hard about it. I chose to focus on phone addiction and how relationships are harmed when people can’t be mentally present, instead opting to be on their devices. I chose the tagline “Wish You Were Here” and went with simple graphics, that I created in Adobe Illustrator, to communicate this message. Front and center is the tagline, with three people on their phones while a fourth looks on sadly. I made the whole PSA look like a phone screen itself, with a text bubble at the bottom, left on Delivered, saying “get off your phone.” Overall, I think I did a good job of communicating my intended message. This was a very fun and valuable project that helped me to learn more about simple, stand-out design. I am very proud of how it came out.