Reflections in English

In English during this unit, we wrote 650-word personal essays with the purpose of using it for our college applications. While I did not end up using this essay, I found it to be a very valuable writing exercise that taught me a lot about what makes a good essay, and a good college essay.

In my personal essay, I focus on the story of my concussion. I wrote a poem about it last year when it was a more fresh memory, but this time I wrote about my experience with more distance from it. It told more about my recovery from my concussion and how I grew as a person from this hardship. The process of writing this essay allowed me to do some reflection and learn more about myself. We talked a lot in English about how to show who you are as a person through your essay, which I thought was very interesting. I feel like this essay tells the story of how I figured out who I am through the process of recovery and acceptance.

Overall throughout this unit, I really valued being able to learn and develop new skills while also reflecting and learning about who I am as a person. My projects in Design allowed me to creatively explore and learn about what is important to me. Digital Media taught me many valuable skills and tools and forced me out of my comfort zone, which taught me more about myself. And in English, I learned about who I am and reflected on who I have become by writing an essay about the things that make me, me.