Category Archives: Story Telling

For this photo, I took a picture of my good friend Daniella. instead of taking a picture of a stranger, I took a picture of my friend facing away from me. Her back facing the camera gives the photo an anonymous feeling towards it making it feel like she is a stranger.

When I think of aging, I think of candles. I feel like candles are the best representation of aging. The more candles get used, the smaller they get. When editing this photo, I used the color balance adjustment to give the photo a warm and happy feel. This represents that aging is a beautiful thing.

The shadow shown in this picture represent my friends and I’s friendship. I was able to connect with 2 amazing people through covid and even now our relationship is as strong as ever. This image represents our strong bond and relationship.

After growing up in this town, I never really took the time to stop and appreciate it. I chose this photo to help show and represent the beauty of Los Altos. I purposely centered the street to make the photo look balance and keep a feeling of peace and calming.

For this photo, I wanted to represent an unusual love story between two house hold items, the fork and the Spoon. Even though they are very different utensils they are always seen and referred to together.

For this photo, I took a picture of my friends and I playing cards. This expresses warmth in multiple ways. The picture has warm pink/red tones to it. There is also the warmth of hanging out with friends and enjoying that time spent together.

In this photo, I wanted to represent things that were important to me. The first thing that is very important to me is my cats. My cats helped me get through quarantine when things were getting tough. Another thing that is very important to me is my room. My room is my safe space. It is a place were I feel relaxed and at peace. In this photo, I wanted to show the importance of these two things.
