Narrative 2

Building off what we have learned in the narrative 1 unit, the second narrative unit is used to help further our knowledge in the art of storytelling! Both narrative units were my favorite out of all the units at Freestyle Academy, providing me with the opportunity to do what I love most: making stories!

For English and Digital media, we began the worldbuilding unit where with a small group, we were tasked with creating completely unique worlds separate from our world, like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars to name a few examples. I had always wanted to do a fully fledged worldbuilding project, so I was extremely excited to begin this project!

For film, we were tasked with creating a short narrative film building off the knowledge we gained from last year of taking the Film Production class. With a partner, we wrote, shot, and edited my best work yet: MAN OF THE MIDNIGHT! Although just saying “wrote, shot, and edited” sounds so short and simple, this project began all the way in November and we are just wrapping up editing in late May! Although this project was VERY stressful at times, I learned so much that I wouldn’t have been able to learn anywhere else!

I have a webpage for each of my classes and what I did in them during this unit, which will be linked in the sub menu of Narrative 2. Or, you can use these links below: