Photo Blog #49-Modern Convenience
Photo Blog #49-Modern Convenience

Photo Blog #49-Modern Convenience

Original Photo Info: White Balance: Tungsten, Shutter Speed: 1/40, ISO: 1600, Aperture: 7.1

I chose to photograph my family’s rice cooker as a modern convenience that I appreciate. My mom uses it to make anything from oatmeal to multigrain rice to cilantro rice with corn or carrots in it. I have a feeling you’re not supposed to use it in that… experimental… way, but nothing bad has ever happened, and we always end up with something yummy anyways. I also like the little song it makes when it’s done cooking, and it overall just makes me really happy. It makes days when my mom and I are rushing to make food a lot easier, and it keeps me from starving at school!

I wanted to saturate the colors a little bit in photoshop, and I added a gradient map to brighten up everything a bit more.