Sofia Dominguez



Welcome to my portfolio page, where I showcase my best works in my Animation, Digital Media, and English classes over these two years of Freestyle. I’ve developed my skills in a myriad of mediums: photography; traditional, 2D, and 3D animation; digital art and illlustration; creative, poetic and research writing; and even how to make layered art! I won’t say it’s been easy: every project brings its own challenges and frustrations, but I can proudly say that I have made a myriad of pieces of which I will always be very proud of.

Best Works Reel

Here’s a quick reel of some of my best works at Freestyle.

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My main elective & class, I had never really done animation before. But now I can it’s one of my favorite mediums, and because you have to think in four dimensions at the same time, it has really expanded my perception of the world and my ability to analyze several aspects of a project at the same time.

This is my favorite production of all of freestyle, where I got to convert the Documentary Article I wrote in English class about a woman Elsy into an animated film. It was very labor-intensive, but I grew so much as a result of that. Discover more on this page!

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This is the last animation I made at freestyle, at it was a group project I did with my friend Rye Donaldson. We made an intro animation for our Worldbuilding story, as if it would get turned into a real animated show. I grew a lot in terms of collaboration, but also I was properly able to experience all the phases of production of animation that they do in the industry. Go to this page to learn more!

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Digital Media

Before Freestyle, I had never tried vector art, so learning Adobe Illustrator was very new for me, but now I can say it is one of my favorite programs to use. Here’s some projects I’ve done on Adobe Illustrator as I’ve developed my skills:

Illustrator project where I designed a puzzle and a sticker with Superardilla and Super Topo!

Album Art for Senior year music project

This is image is not painted digitally: it is a collage made out of several pictures, some of which I took myself (the hands, the sky, and the orange texture above). It is inspired by my Worldbuilding Research Paper that I did in English, which was an exploration of the discrimination women of color face in the Bay Area, a place that is perceived as liberal or progressive. This piece is an exploration of what a world without ‘racial colorblindness’ would look like, a world in which women of color were empowered and lived in solidarity. It asks the question: “If we were free, could we take hold of the very sun?” Click here to learn more!

This project was also inspired by my Worldbuilding story in English, specifically on the magic of it, how the characters can control their reality around them with their own potential and power. That is why it is called “Internal Power”: it depicts the strong will that each of us carry within, an ability to change the world. I created the piece in Illustrator in a way that could be cut out by a laser printer, and then I assembled and painted parts of it to form the finished piece. This is one of my favorite productions: I loved seeing this project go from just a sketch on a paper, to an illustrator file, to a real life piece of art you can touch and pick up! Go to this webpage to learn more about the process, and watch the assembly video!


Throughout my two years of Freestyle, my English projects that have helped me develop a unique voice as a writer. The following two pieces I consider to be the most impactful, most polished, and best edited pieces I have produced.

This piece is a journalistic article about Elsy, a home-business owner in my community. I made my documentary animated film about her as well. Visit this page to learn more

This is one of the most personal and vulnerable pieces of writing I have made, but I believe it’s also one of my best works. It is very impactful, dark, and intense, something that I usually struggle to achieve. Every piece of punctuation, line break, and capitalization was carefully crafted and revised, and the footnotes are carefully created to be read alongside the main text as well.

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