Photo Blog #46: Deadly Sins
Photo Blog #46: Deadly Sins

Photo Blog #46: Deadly Sins

Original Photo Information: Aperture: 7.1, ISO: 400, Shutter speed: 1/40, White Balance: Tungsten

I have a lot of pairs of pants. A lot. Way more than ten, and half of them are pants that my mom has passed down to me after she doesn’t use them anymore. I wanted to explore the Deadly Sin of greed, since it’s something I usually don’t think about much, and I thought that the crazy amount of pants I had would be a good subject for this kind of idea.

I shot indoors at low light and low light sensitivity on purpose so that the picture could get grainy. While editing it in Photoshop, however, I noticed that this also made the dark shadows very very dark, and made the contrast very extreme, which added a cool, dramatic effect I didn’t even think about. Having discovered this by accident, I can now use this technique to create photographs with more mystery and intensity. I also discovered another technique by accident when I was color grading, because I had used a levels effect to change the colors, and then turned off the visibility of the effect and added a different layers effect to see what color combination would look better. Just out of curiosity, I activated both effects at the same time and saw that they actually combined a lot better than by themselves.