
This week, we were assigned to take a photo of something that we are grateful for. I am really grateful to have been able to receive a music education, and I really love music. In the foreground is what I’m working on right now, Franck Violin Sonata, and in the […]

Color without Color

This week, we were assigned to tell a colorful story using a black and white image. My picture is of my calligraphy practice—I started learning calligraphy last winter, and the story is just my progress. I chose this subject because it was black and white to begin with.

Who Inspires Me

This week, we were assigned to take a photo of someone who inspires us. I couldn’t actually leave my house to take a photo of anyone, so I took a photo of the things I put up on my wall. All of these people made me who I am today.

Fill the Frame

This week, we were assigned to use the composition technique of filling the frame with one color to draw attention to the subject of the photo. I filled my frame with lavender.

Friends & Family

This week, we were assigned to take a photo that told a story about someone we know well. I have a photo of my mom, and the story this tells is her love for her kids. She is wearing an A’s hat not because she likes the Oakland A’s, but […]


This week, we were challenged to take a photo inspired by either good habits or bad habits. I have a bad habit of constantly snacking on sweet foods like caramel popcorn, pictured here, and I think this habit grew out of my stress.


This is the first Photo “Challenge” of the year! This week, we were assigned to take a photo that shows our culture. I chose to take a photo of my brother playing Team Fortress 2, because I think that gaming is a very thorough and sometimes obscure subculture (e.g. “pogchamp”). […]


This week, our prompt was to be inspired by our exit and the end of the school year. I took a photo of my bedroom door, because doors were kind of the obvious choice for this prompt. I think it’s kind of nice that I have the little photo of […]