Color without Color

This week, we were assigned to tell a colorful story using a black and white image. My picture is of my calligraphy practice—I started learning calligraphy last winter, and the story is just my progress. I chose this subject because it was black and white to begin with.

Friends & Family

This week, we were assigned to take a photo that told a story about someone we know well. I have a photo of my mom, and the story this tells is her love for her kids. She is wearing an A’s hat not because she likes the Oakland A’s, but […]


This is the first Photo “Challenge” of the year! This week, we were assigned to take a photo that shows our culture. I chose to take a photo of my brother playing Team Fortress 2, because I think that gaming is a very thorough and sometimes obscure subculture (e.g. “pogchamp”). […]


This week, we were challenged to tell a story about what makes us feel free. For me, it’s my bicycle, because I can’t drive, so this is how I go places. Especially during the quarantine when we’re all cooped up in our homes, getting on my bike feels very liberating.


This week, we were challenged to take a photo that tells the story of a stranger. This prompt (because the prompts were written before quarantine) was very difficult to do because nobody is outside now, and I just don’t really like to take photos of strangers (Is it even legal??) […]


This week, we were challenged to take a photo that told a story about aging. The broken bowl in this photo was quite old. I think we had it for at least 10 years. Over the years, it had gotten so brittle that just the drop of the knife in […]


This week, we were challenged to tell a story using shadows. This is a multimedia photograph, and I drew the shadow in Photoshop. I found it really difficult to make compelling shadows within the limited time frame that I had. However, with the creepy figure I drew in, I intended […]

New Beginnings

This week, we were challenged to take a photo that tells a story of new beginnings. I chose this photo because it represents the new beginning of one of our bathrooms. That bathroom was very broken and had a lot of water damage, since we live in an old house, […]


This week, we were challenged to take a photo that tells a story of our hometown. My hometown is Los Altos, and the reason why I chose this picture was because there are a great deal of trees in this area (and I’m pretty sure that Los Altos is supposed […]

Love Story

This week, we were challenged to take a photo that told a love story. I took a photo of these earrings, which I got as a gift from my girlfriend, and they are very important to me. They are supposed to be treble clefs, but they’re backwards. My girlfriend doesn’t […]