Storytelling: Silhouettes

1.3 sec f/22 ISO 4000

This picture is the silhouette of a nativity scene. The nativity scene shows the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ. On the left is the shepherds and on the right are the Wisemen. In the middle is an angel, Mary and Joseph, and the baby Christ. The silhouettes don’t show it, but in this nativity Mary is laying down. Nativity scenes are really important to my family. It became a family tradition that whenever we go on a trip we buy a nativity scene. We have over a hundred of them from many different countries and cultures throughout the world. Some of them are really nice and others are small and simple. This specific nativity was from the French Pyrenees. My dad bought it when he was in Italy a couple of years ago. Nativities are important to us because they remind us our faith.