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Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts & Technology

1305 Bryant Ave, Mt. View, CA 94040 T 650-940-4650 x5090
2 Required Classes: English and Digital Media 3rd/Elective Class:  + Animation or Design or Film

2012-2013 Unit 1 Self-Portrait:
Things I've Learned So Far Podcasts
by 1st Year Students

The podcasts below were first assigned as an English writing assignment where students had to list 10 things they have learned so far in life as part of our Junior Self-Portrait Unit that answers the large question of "Who am I?". Visual images were then chosen to match their list items. Students used Garageband to record themselves reading their list and enhanced their vocal recording with timed images, a musical intro and musical outro. This was the first production assignment in Digital Media for 1st year students as a way of integrating English writing with Digital Media Production. These podcasts are just 1 part of a larger Unit 1 Self-Portrait Project in which Digital Media students produce a website for the first time that includes their podcast below.

Note: Best viewed in Safari

Adam P
Alan E
Alex S
Annamari J
Cameron F
Chiara N
Cindy N
Collin F
Daniel K
Ean P
Emily M
Gilles L
Isabella G
Jordan A
Justin W
Kevin C
Kiran K
Paige E
Peter S
Rachel U
Sanjana P
Sheila A
Stephen A
William S