
This week I depicted a shot from the viewpoint of my subject. I chose to use an iPhone, since it’s a common shot in commercials and different tech Youtubers. I was interested in how they get the shot so cleanly, and I think I learned a bit how. The key is rotation, but not just in one plane. Something I got wrong in this shot was the rotation on the Z axis; you can tell that the phone is rotated a little bit clockwise coming towards us.

Film Noir

This week I depicted Film Noir. I really liked this seeing hatch on my door, it reminded me of the barricaded doors in those movies with the big hatch, and a pair of eyes looking into it. I decided to roll with that, but I also chose to play with light. A key part of Noir is how light plays in the scene, and the absence of light as well. I think that the light coming through the hatch could be interpreted as freedom, which is supported by its jail-like frame.


This week I depicted work. I filmed this shot by dropping money onto the camera, and trying to get a quick shot of it falling. But what it actually ended up looking like was the money going away from the hand in the photo. I really like this interpretation of it, because some work can be arduous, and maybe you’re really only there for the money. In this interpretation, the hand is grasping for money.

Color Theory

For this week’s photo blog, I experimented with color theory, by trying to make my shot cinematic. I used cool tones in post production to try and emulate a lot of cinematic movies, and I also lowered the mid-tones of the shot to be darker and more gloomy. I’m trying to depict some sort of sad emotion on the subject with these different choices, and I think I succeeded 😉

Modern Convenience

For this weeks photo-blog, we had to share a modern convenience we couldn’t live without. I chose to show my phone, and a few camera accessories. I wanted the layout to be like something you would see in a commercial, and I think I achieved that pretty well. The story I’m trying to tell with this photo is that my phone is an essential part in a photographers tool set.

Rule of Thirds – Emotion

A man sitting in the wilderness, looking off to the side

The theme for this weeks Photo-blog was using the rule of thirds to convey emotion. In film class, we’re taught to always show our subject looking into open space, because the frame conveys emotion. If the subject looks into the open space, the audience feels more connected. So, I had my subject face away from the open space to convey him feeling closed off, and deep in thought.

Color without Color

A safety pole at a bike trail.

The theme for this weeks Photo-blog was to show color without color. I kind of broke the rules a little bit by masking out a bit of this pole to show color, but that was with intention. My message by making the reflector the only part with color was how it grabs your attention if you were to bike past it with a light. The point of the pole is to keep bikers safe and on the correct side of the road, which the reflector accomplishes.


My friend shooting a photo with his camera.

For this weeks Photo-blog, the theme was inspiration. In this photo, I wanted to show my inspiration through a form of symbolism. Even though this photo is just of my friend, I wanted him to remain anonymous because it’s really an inspiration that comes from all artists. The people who go out and do what they love because they just love it are very inspirational to me. The spontaneity and quality of their work is what encourages me to continue with mine.

A slow shutter video

For this weeks Photo-blog, the theme was lighting, specifically on shutter speed, which affects how fast the camera takes a photo. If you extend the shutter speed to multiple seconds, it blurs the light from those seconds into one image. A typical subject paired with long exposure is traffic, or a flashlight. I decided to break the mold by making a video that had the effect of a long exposure photo, while also showing the process of it.

Friends and Family

A photo of my friend competing at a local event.

For this weeks Photo-blog, our theme was friends and family, and telling a story. I chose my friend Anastasia Yankovskiy, who is a high level fencer (the one on the right). Her story is a very visual one, because her struggle as a student athlete can be symbolically shown through her fencing. She’s currently doubling down on practicing to be able to compete on the national team globally. This is one of the local events she went to to increase her rank.