Balance in Holiday Traditions

A picture of a pair of boots with two candy canes in one of them.
1/64 f1.8 ISO400

The holiday tradition I chose to represent in photography is Saint Nicholas’ Day or Moş Nicolae. It’s a day where children leave their shoes out by the window or door on the night of December 5th. On December 6th they should have candy in their shoes if they were good. If they were bad they get a twig or a lump of coal. My family celebrates this tradition because it’s a Romanian holiday and my mom is Romanian. So, kids in Romania essentially get two Christmases, one for Moş Nicolae and one for actual Christmas.

For this photo I wanted the colors to be warm so I set up an orange light on the side and I altered the colors in photoshop to make it seem as if there is a fireplace near the shoes. However, I had trouble getting the dark boots to contrast with the background. I showed balance by having the two boots equally distributed over the composition.