Narrative Visual Perspective in English


For the narrative unit in English, we focused on worldbuilding. We worked together in groups to come up with an idea for a story. We came up with characters, a world, and a 3 act story structure. To prepare for this, we read Parable of the Sower, which is an afrofuturist novel written by Octavia Butler. We took notes and discussed it in class. Then, we wrote our own research essays about a real world problem. The Worldbuilding unit was also the biggest project of the year, so we didn’t have time for smaller assignments.

Route 666

The story that my group came up with is called Route 666. It’s about a trucker who encounters a restaurant run by ghosts, which he learns is a portal to the underworld. It was inspired by the idea of a food desert, which was the subject of one of our groupmate’s essay.

Character designs for our story

Our final project was to present in front of the whole class. We were encouraged to dress up, so our group dressed up as our characters. Click the thumbnail below to view our slides, then click the video below that to see our final presentation.

The title page of my worldbuliding presentation
Click here to see my group’s Worldbuilding Presentation