My Family


My Family


My mom (Gissela) can be pretty scary at times, but most the time she is nice. The reason I say she is scary is because she is very strict about what goes on between us (her kids). When we give her hard times, she can probably explode. When she is happy, she is very nice and doesn't get as strict as she usually is. That is when we follow her directions. She always gets her work done on time. No matter how hard it is, she gets it done without complaining. She is a very strong woman, who takes care of her family, and wants the best for every single person she meets. No matter how strict, or scary she can be, I will always love my mom.

My dad (Daniel) on the other hand, isn't so scary. In fact, he is sometimes afraid of my mom! He is pretty laid back compared to my mom. He lets us do what we want as long as we follow his rules, do our chores, finish our homework, and keep our grades up. Dad is a very clean and organized person. He does not like to see anything messy. I think his favorite thing to do is clean. Because no matter what time it is, if he notices that something needs to be cleaned or organized, he will fix it right away. I'm not complaining because whenever the house is clean, it makes me feel more clean. And whenever he is happy, everyone is happy.

My sisters (Daniela-left, Camila- right), are the funniest family members. The way they act in the house is much different than how they act outside of it. They make funny faces, always take funny pictures, and always joke around with each other. They become pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people. They worry too much about getting in trouble. Which is good because they become more careful in the house. Not only are they shy and funny, but also great cooks/ bakers. They like to bake more than cook. Their cookies, brownies, and cakes, which are all homemade, are all very amazing. And even better, they're free!

My brother (Gabriel) is my favorite. It's funny to see him try to learn new things. He loves sports. His favorite is soccer. He always wants to go to the park and kick the ball around with anyone who's available at the time. He is always ready to play. Gabriel loves to watch movies, hang out with his friends, ride bikes, and play. But the one thing he doesn't appreciate as much, is sleep. I am jealous of him because he has all the time he wants for sleeping, as I don't get as much time as I want. Overall, he is very enjoyable and fun to be with.



Sparky is a Golden Retriever, the family dog. Laziest of them all. We got her when she was a puppy; running around the whole pet shop excited to come home with us. Now that she's all grown up, she is lazy. She is still a great dog, and tries to get more excersize, but when she see's a spot that looks comfortable enough for her to lay on, she will go straight there and do what she wants. She is a good dog, but can break rules sometimes. No matter how many rules she breaks, she will always be a great dog.