A diptych is a picture that leads to another. Both photos must tie together to form a story.

The assignment was to take two photos that explain your belief. The belief was from the essay we wrote in our english class. The first photo should lead to the next. Once you look at both of them, it should make sense.

Music solves everything

Escape With Music

In my Diptych, I am trying to reveal my thought that "music solves everything". The first line in the poem, explains the first picture on the Diptych. Sadness. With the headphones in the second portion of the Diptych, I try to exemplify my thought;
"…beats turn into songs". Looking into the clouds, I imagine that they are big pillows, putting myself on one of them, touching them to relax even more, and enjoying the natural part of life. I am trying to show that I am sad about what goes on in life, but happy with what life gives us.