My friends,"scrapp", "tonne", "bello", and "cutie"(from left to right) and I like to get "HESH". And another friend of mine, "tarosushi", who is not in the picture, also likes to get "HESH" by filming everything. By the way "HESH" means we like to throw down when we go on skate-trips. We always have fun no matter what happens. Everything we see that looks fun, there will be no questions asked and everyone will end up doing it. This has been our
group since 7th grade. We go to different spots every weekend and try to get as much done as possible. We can get pretty crazy sometimes though. Like in this picture. We were behind a shopping center in fremont, skating some drops. We then found this crate, that looked like someone could fit in. We brought it to the top of the hill, and pushed my friend Tony down it. As we pushed him down the hill, the cart started to curve and almost flipped! It was crazy at the time, and now that I look back at it, it's hilarious to think about how we thought of that. We know how to keep it "HESH" but fresh:)