First Comes Love

The humor project is exactly what it says it is. It’s a unit dedicated to humor and was mostly used to lighten the mood and create this “end-of-year hurrah”. We learned various Humor techniques and then we learned how to put them into action as our final project. This project was a bit stressful since it was a video (I’m not a film student so I’m kinda out of my element), but I managed to put it together.

Then Comes Marriage

So, before we go started, we had to list the comedic influences that we had. I think that this was probably the hardest part because this isn’t anything that I really but any thought about. It’s kind of like a byproduct of my life experiences, so I just picked out influences for the idea that I had already made. I decided to choose Scott Pilgrim and Sam and Max because those where the first absurd and weird forms of funny media that I can think of.

The Baby Carriage

The idea was simple and easy. It was literally just “weird” interview. Originally, I had planned for the interviewer/interviewers to be weird. With them asking capable candidates weird questions: “Can you help me with my homework?”, A trial where they had to act with perfect manners, tasking the interviewee to “take out” a target. This kind of changed pretty quickly as I introduced this idea to the group, I guess they might have mistaken the weirdness to come from the interviewees or something. However, after that it was just coming up with the ideas for characters. You can see that some of the people in the character bank didn’t make it, like touchy feely guy and sour guy. This was mostly because we didn’t really know what to do with them how can this be funny for more than 5 seconds. So we cut then out in the end. Filming was pretty simple, we used the new studio and kind of made a mess with the water scene. We did clean it up with the dozen of shirts that I used to record all of the guys. Then I edited it all by myself so, go me. Duh Duh Nah! Woo Hoo.