Rainbow beam with bokeh
Shutter Speed 1/200, F4.5, ISO 100

While choosing a subject matter for this prompt, I decided to venture down a more abstract route because I think that love is often undefined and subjective; the edges are blurry. The rainbow of different colors represents the emotions that influence love: blue/sad, red/passionate, green/envious, etc. The bokeh lights look almost ethereal, which could symbolize how one feels when they first fall in love. This is actually a photograph of my window, but I put a pink bubble-wrap over the camera lens to soften image and help create the bokeh effect. In addition to the bubble wrap, the bokeh were intensified by a flashlight angled at the lens and a low F-stop. Next, the rainbow beam coming from the right side of the frame is the result of refracted light from my sun catcher reaching the camera. After examining the raw photo, I decided to increase the contrast and add a low-opacity lightening layer in Photoshop.