
This photo represents the future and everything that is unknown in the future. I think the blanket of fog covering the hills is mysterious because it obscures everything beneath it, yet it is beautiful and comforting at the same time. The sun is setting on this chapter of my life- just as in the photograph. …

Frame Within The Frame

I took this photo in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. The composition contains two frames within frames: one is the frame of the mirror, and the other is the frame of the window in the reflection.


This is a photograph of me at the beach. I think it is fitting for a self portrait because I enjoy blending into my surroundings and also exploring new spots in nature. My face is turned away, but I still think the image portrays my values and personality.


I decided to take a photo of a charcuterie board that I made. I enjoy making charcuterie boards when I host or attend dinner parties because they serve as a nice appetizer for everybody. I typically include salami, fig spread, crackers, brie, nuts, and fruit.

Using Props

I was inspired by the suncatcher prism I have in front of my window. I angled my camera to look through the suncatcher so that I could see the light refraction in my camera. Even though the photo appears to have a blurring filter on it, it is merely a result of my suncatcher. The …

Modern Convenience

To fulfill this week’s prompt, I had my friend take a picture of me sitting in her car with a scenic view next to me. I believe that cars are a modern convenience on which I am over-reliant because I often to drive short distances instead of walking or biking. This picture is reminiscent of …

Current Events

This photo is representative of current events because Adidas Sambas are very popular shoes right now. Many influencers on social media as well as my peers own Sambas because of their unique colors and vintage appeal.

Deadly Sins

I chose to photograph the Hollywood sign when I was in LA for the “deadly sins” prompt because a lot of independent artists and the general public view Hollywood as the epitome of greed, lust, and pride. I think there are a lot of negative connotations surrounding Hollywood due to its dying creativity, public scandals, …


I took this photo at a concert that I went to recently. This photo represents how music inspires me and others when we connect with an artist’s music because of the heart that my friend is making with her hands, and the warm lighting.