
I took this photo from a unique viewpoint, from the rock on which my friend was standing. This perspective is manipulated because it appears that my friends shoes, in the foreground, are much larger than the vast landscape and clouds in the background of the photo.

Film Noir

I believe that this photograph is similar to film noir because I utilized harsh leading lines and contrast in the composition. Furthermore, I used a black and white filter in Photoshop to replicate the film style. Although there is no human subject in my photo, I think that the high-contrast lighting on the water and …

Small vs. Large

I took this photo during a day trip to San Francisco. My friend and I both bought the same apple juice drink, so I placed one in the foreground and one from the background in order to make the closer one appear much larger. I also decided to frame the photograph from a low angle …

Color Theory

I photographed my friend in the car because I thought the harsh lighting was really beautiful. I edited the image in photoshop to make the highlights more orange and the shadows more green/blue. This increased the contrast between the light and dark parts of the photo because orange and blue are complementary colors.

Long Shutter Speed Exposure

I took this photo at a New Year’s party. I used a long shutter speed and panned the camera across the room instead of placing it on a tripod because I wanted to keep the foreground in focus and make the background blurry. This photo represents the start of the new year for me because …

The Elements

This is an extreme close-up photo of tree bark at Byrne Preserve. I’m in awe of how moss is able to thrive in uninhabitable environments, such as on the dry branch of a tree. I used a really shallow depth of field to emphasize the texture of the bark and the moss. Needless to say, …

Low Angles

For this prompt, I took a photo of the redwood grove at Shoup Park. I angled the camera up and utilized a worm’s eye view in order to capture the shape that the tops of the trees create in the sky. I chose to make the photo black and white using Photoshop because I think …


I photographed the silhouette of my mom at the beach. Her dark shadow emphasizes the vibrant sunset in the background. I chose to center my mom in the frame in order to create a symmetrical composition.


This photo represents gratitude to me because I’m extremely grateful for my close friends. I particularly love this photo because it is truly a candid, unplanned photo that demonstrates the fun dynamic between my friends.

Rule of Thirds Emotion

I took this photo of my friend Eva when we were at the SF Museum of Modern Art. She’s clearly displaying a lot of shock and perhaps even horror through her expression. I chose to place the center of her face on the upper left third of the composition to fulfill this week’s prompt.