Color Without Color

This is a photograph of a bouquet of daffodils. Although I used Photoshop to remove the vibrant yellow color of the flowers, the high contrast still allows the daffodils to pop.

Who Inspires You

For this prompt, I chose to photograph my friend Esme. We have been neighbors and friends since we were toddlers, so our friendship throughout the years has greatly inspired me to be a better (and more interesting) person. I took this photo while we were on a road trip to Los Angeles.

Fill the Frame

I filled the frame in this photo by photographing an extreme close up of my watercolor brush in a cup of water. The blue watercolor pigment is spreading throughout the cup and therefore filling the frame.

Friends and Family

This is a photo of my friend Hannah. I believe that this picture captures Hannah’s shy personality because her face is concealed from the camera. Hannah is quite introverted, but she is very funny and open once you get to know her.


People often say “take a look in the mirror” to suggest self-reflection. However, I think that the mirror can also be a window to reflect on others through ourselves. Although we all have unique features and character traits, I wanted to use the skeleton in my photo to represent how we are all composed of …

Facial Symmetry

I placed myself in the center of the frame and faced the camera for this photo so that my face would appear symmetrical. The symmetrical composition of this photograph additionally emphasizes my facial symmetry. In this picture, I’m focused on drawing in my sketchbook.

Your Culture

This is a painting that I created with watercolors and a pen. I believe it represents how my culture is really a mix of multiple cultures- Chinese, southern, American- because the colors bleed into each other and overlap. Furthermore, I depicted dragon in my artwork, which symbolizes fortune, power, and strength in Chinese culture.


I thoroughly enjoyed this prompt because I found it fitting for the end of the school year. I chose to photograph the doorknob of my front door because it quite literally allows me to exit my house everyday. I used a Multiply layer in Photoshop to emphasize the worn handle, which shows its age and …


To fulfill this prompt, I decided to photograph the pendant light in my kitchen. I used a low shutter speed to make the photo underexposed because I wanted to separated the light from its environment. This resulted in an almost eerie, alien-like saucer. In Photoshop, I added a violet Color Filter to make the light …


I photographed the wildflowers in my front yard. We scattered the seeds for these wildflowers many years ago, and I love seeing them regrow and blossom each spring. The flowers, including poppies, California poppies, and bachelor buttons, truly add a pop of color to our garden, and they remind me of my childhood.