Rule of Odds

I took this photo to represent the rule of odds because it portrays three main subjects: the log, the river, and the tree. These three subjects create a triangle in the photograph that balances out the composition and leads the viewer’s eye around the photo.

Negative Space

I took this photo at Byrne Preserve. I made the photograph black and white using Adobe Photoshop because I think that the lack of color emphasizes the negative space and the contrast between the hills and the sky.

Center Frame Portrait

I took this photo at Westwind Community Barn. I believe that the negative space and shadows at the top and bottom of the frame create a sense of isolation. Furthermore, the horse is literally off the beaten path (which is behind it), and its lowered head provides a sense of melancholy.

Balance in Traditions

Every year, my family tapes all the holiday cards we receive on the door of our entryway closet. I think it’s kinder than just throwing the cards away right away, and it also is nice to see when I walk in. I chose to add a black and white filter whilst editing because I wanted …

Leading Lines

This is a photo of my family’s Western Redbud tree. I took this picture from a bird’s eye view because I like how the many little branches of the tree go in different directions, yet the main branches still lead the eye upwards. Overall, the photograph seems to stretch out and up to infinity in …

Symmetry Landscape

I took this picture at Cuesta park. I photographed 4 trees; two on the sides of the frame, and two crossing each other in the middle and extending to the corners of the picture. (The two trees crossing in the middle remind me of the In-N-Out palm trees). I think it’s really beautiful that nature …

Rule of Thirds Motion

I photographed my friend carrying a larger-than-life green crayon. Although the concept is very childlike, the dark lighting makes the picture somewhat ominous. My friend is positioned in the left third of the frame and facing towards the right side, creating space and the illusion that they are walking to the other side of the …